About me

As an independent strategist and senior design leader I support leadership teams at digital agencies and product companies.

The benefits to my clients are clear

  • Alternative insights and futures research lead to better-informed decision making
  • Actionable, collaboratively-laid plans bring more effective ways-of-working
  • International commercial and cultural insights strengthen local and regional offerings
  • Global experience and network eases entries into sought-after markets

How we get there

  • Evolving creative teams into strategic, commercially strong, design organisations
  • Bringing foresight into strategic design processes
  • Commercial market entries with a focus on Singapore, Japan, Northern Europe and US

As a non-executive director in our organisation, Orvet was a trusted partner for our executives and team leads.

Their praise arrived quickly and consistently, as it did from our A-level clients.

— MD/Co-founder, Pan-European/Asian digital agency*, Q4 2024

Ongoing and recent work >


Principal and advisor via Orvet Stockholm.

Academician at Academy of Urbanism.

Speaker, lecturer, moderator: Spectrum Tokyo Festival スペクトラムトーキョーフェスティバル, Los Angeles Design Festival, AoU, 城區活動」, Business of Design Week, Gather Festival, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Aalto University, …

Swedish, formerly based in San Francisco and London with a stint in Washington D.C. Currently living in Stockholm. Previously working in Singapore and Hong Kong.


Details on LinkedIn

Partner and Global Strategic Design Director at Manyone 2022-2024.

Partner and Singapore lead at Manyone Asia 2019-2022.

Ideation workshop with Manyone. Photo by Manyone


Global Cities Lead at M by Volvo Car Mobility.

Global Head of Design for the Futurice agency (Berlin, Helsinki, London, Munich, Oslo, Stockholm, Tampere).

International Head of Creative at Comprend (Stockholm, London, Lisbon, Milan).

Global Head of Creative at Nansen (Stockholm, Chicago, London, New York, Washington D.C.).

UX & Design Director at cloud collaboration leader Huddle in San Francisco.

Delivering the keynote at Metta Hong Kong during Business of Design Week. Photo by Vicky Lo

Co-author, State of Mind at Work.

Co-author 'Noded - The untouchable business', listed together with Apple and Nintendo Wii as ideas and companies that “got it right and are leading the way to the future".

Alumni of Yahoo!, Stanford University CSP and JMK Stockholm University.

(* specifics still under NDA)

Ongoing and recent work >